"To know Christ and make him known"
To know Jesus' love, peace, justice, healing, hospitality, mercy,
and resurrection life, and to share that with the world.
Part of our church family (2023) Photo credit: Dion Ogust
Minister: The Reverend Cari Pattison
We pray that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith,
as you are being rooted and grounded in love.
- Ephesians 3:17
Worship every Sunday at 10am
16 Tinker St., Woodstock, NY, 12498
located on the Village Green
For the link to our Zoom service, email sltodd57@gmail.com.
Our church doors are open every Wednesday from 2-4pm for visitors to come in and enjoy the sanctuary space for quiet reflection and prayer.
To watch or read sermons, see the Sermon page.
Read our weekly newsletter here
To speak with someone in the office, you may contact our Administrator Ms. Irene DeGraff at woodstockchurch@gmail.com and 845-679-6610 on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons.
For church business and programs, you may contact our Consistory Vice-President Sue Ulrich: 845-750-4494 and sue_ulrich@yahoo.com.
For church property concerns, you may contact Mike Terner: 845-217-9399 and mjterner@gmail.com.
For matters relating to church rental space, you may contact Deacon Ed Jabs, at ekjabs@gmail.com, or 845-399-6777 or 845-246-6777.
For questions regarding The Village Green, you may contact Elder Jen Reilly Bluma: 845-516-4291 or 954-913-4139, and thenewzeitgeistmusic@gmail.com.
For matters of worship and pastoral care, you may reach out to Pastor Cari at pastorcariWRC@gmail.com, or for urgent matters (not related to building / property), you may call her at 914-319-8700.
Looking to hold a function on the Village Green? See our Summary of Church-Town Agreement, and then apply for your event here.
Your Friends at WRC
Ken and Krista, making melodies!
Music right near the Village Green
Summer Porch Concert
Donkey for Palm Sunday
Hospitality Team
Youth Retreat
Christmas Eve
Summer Concert
Praise B Church Worship Band
Spring Petting Zoo
Saying their "I do"s
Backyard barbeques
You can always join us on Zoom!
Sunday School Kids' Play
Palm Sunday
Easter Egg Hunt